》SAYLOVE HOTEL & Backpack House

日期/ Date:2018-06-21



本旅店坐落於台北市中正區,鄰近台北市火車站、捷運站、桃園機場捷運站、各大百貨公司、3C電子賣場、西門町商圈….等,最佳的地理位置加上完善的居住設備以及切合需求的各項居住機能,像是旅程中的驅動程式,讓您在旅途中的每一天都能有效率的運轉。璽愛旅店秉持著以客為尊的設計考量,營造出無壓迫性且充滿親和力的居住空間,在軟體方面;旅店工作人員專業貼心的服務態度,巧妙的地溫暖著每ㄧ位到訪的旅客;在硬體方面,璽愛旅店以優雅質樸為基調,搭配上舒適的旅居設備,讓整個飯店呈現出渾然天成的舒適。 璽愛旅店是一處可以讓您享受用心與貼心的絕佳居住旅店。
LINE ID : 0966-727526 / WECHAT ID : sl0966727526
TEL:+886-2-2388-0808   FAX:+886-2-2311-4112 
E-mail : slhotel@mail2000.com.tw

SAYLOVE HOTEL & Backpack House
SLove Hotel is located in Zhong-zheng district in Taipei City. We are close to Taipei Train Station, MRT Station, Shuttle Bus Station from/to the airport, top department stores, Shihmentin business area, ...etc. Slove Hotel features the best location, life functions, equipments and everything you need. We work as the drive program to your travel to have your trip smooth and efficient. SLove Hotel takes our guests the first priority into our design to create a pressureless and friendly space. We believe our profeshional staff and gracefully planned facilities shall make your stay warm, cozy and heavenly sweet. 
SLove Hotel is surely the best place to stay.

LINE ID : 0966-727526 / WECHAT ID : sl0966727526

TEL:+886-2-2388-0808   FAX:+886-2-2311-4112
E-mail : slhotel@mail2000.com.tw

3F no 72,sec 1, Chung-Hsaio West road, taipei ,taiwan ,R.O.C